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MILOMEX LIMITED :: Hong Kong :: OpenCorporates

2020年1月17日  Free and open company data on Hong Kong company MILOMEX LIMITED (company number 1294260)


MILOMEX LIMITED (1294260) - Hong Kong Business Directory

MILOMEX LIMITED is a live company incorporated on 15 December 2008 (Monday) in Hong Kong as a private company limited by shares entity. This private company limited by


纯益有限公司/MILOMEX LIMITED(公司编号: 1294260)

纯益有限公司/MILOMEX LIMITED(公司编号: 1294260). 纯益有限公司是一家香港公司,注册于中西区,坐落于皇后大道中上,该司已经成立了15年7个月20天。. 您可在線浏


Milomex Limited, 259-263 Des Voeux Road Ce... - Kompass

Engaged in manufacture and export of a wide range of consumer product categories including housewares, furnitures, sporting goods, gift/seasonal items, tools electronic


MILOMEX LIMITED Hong Kong Companies Directory - 香港

MILOMEX LIMITED information, includes incorporation date, status, type, directors, address, contacts more.


MILOMEX LIMITED 純益有限公司 - Hong Kong Company

MILOMEX LIMITED (CR No: 1294260) was incorporated on 15-DEC-2008 in Hong Kong. Their business is recorded as Private company limited by shares .


MILOMEX LIMITED Hong Kong Companies Registration

MILOMEX LIMITED was incorporated on 15-DEC-2008 as a Private company limited by shares registered in Hong Kong. It's company registration number is: 1294260. The date


MILOMEX SERVICES LIMITED - Find and update company

MILOMEX SERVICES LIMITED - Free company information from Companies House including registered office address, filing history, accounts, annual return, officers,


Milomex Limited, 259-263 Des Voeux Road Ce..., CO

Informations juridique - Milomex Limited. Fichiers de prospection B2B. Acheter la liste des entreprises similaires avec leurs dirigeants et informations de contact. Acheter maintenant.


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