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Cimprogetti - Your single source supplier for LIME processing

Cimprogetti - Your single source supplier for LIME processing. 主页. 关于我们. 水化反应. 售后服务. . 西姆公司由Pierluigi Rizzi工程师于1967年创立。. 主营石灰及 衍生物


About Cimprogetti

Cimprogetti was founded by late Pierluigi Rizzi in 1967 in Bergamo (Italy), the 2nd most important industrial province in Europe, located in Lombardy, a region rich in tradition and expertise in the production of lime, cement,


Cimprogetti history

In 2017, Cimprogetti celebrates 50 years of successful activities. In 2018, The first Cim-Hydrax-COMPACT, a modular hydration plant, is supplied for a prominent company in Colombia. In 2023, Cimprogetti's advanced


Cimprogetti LinkedIn

Cimprogetti 3,574 followers on LinkedIn. The green edge of Lime Technologies Cimprogetti was established in Bergamo (Italy) in 1967 by PL. Rizzi, as a family


Lime hydration_CN

Cimprogetti 开发了测试协议,并根据原材料的特性进行了校准。 还提供能够在工业现场进行非常有效的测试的小型中试水化 器。 测试结果用于设计和提供最适合工艺条件和客户目标的工业 规模水合系统。


Cimprogetti history

这个新集团由六家公司组成,由位于德国威斯巴登的Hochtemperatur Engineering GmbH(HTE)管理。. 集团公司的主营业务是制造进行高温工艺处理的组件、器械和窑


هند cimprogetti

In 2016, establishment of Cimprogetti of India Pvt. Ltd., with the exclusive representation of Cimprogetti Srl for equipment, plants and technical services in the territory of India,


Cimprogetti Company Profile - Craft

Cimprogetti is a designer, producer, and supplier of equipment and plants for the lime industry. It offers automation and control systems, hydration ancillary equipment, etc.


Cimprogetti MEKITCO

Over several decades, Cimprogetti has consolidated its distinctive business approach: To provide comprehensive lime plants from A to Z, from know-how and engineering design to an EPCm (Engineering / Procurement /
